Sunday, May 26, 2013

My Longest Run Thus Far!

We have one week until our official training schedule begins. I can't even believe it. Right now it has been nice to know that I can run but it's not really crucial to train yet. Whew! I'm getting a little nervous. Saturday's run was intense for me! I jumped from 10.5 miles to 14 in one week. Chelsy Cooper was in town and I didn't want her to have to run by herself... so I told myself I would go as long as I could manage with her. That girl is an animal and runs fast. We pretty much ran down every street in the Kanab City limits and actually pumped out 14! I think 14 miles is the longest I have ever ran! Before I thought I had gone 15 but when I searched through my runs I couldn't find it. So Saturday officially broke the record for me. Wow! I can't even fathom 12.2 more than that but I'm hoping week by week I will feel more confident. Haha. I better or I'm serious trouble. My phone and watch said I burned 1100 calories on Saturday. I am just wondering where those calories are coming from because my scale says I'm up 8 pounds from last year! Sheesh. I've been reading a lot about the Paleo diet and running and think I'm going to try that. We will see! I'm going to try and take more pics when I'm out running so this blog will have some pictures! I love a good picture. GOOD NIGHT ALL!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe you just busted out 14!! No biggie. wow! You better believe when I do 14 there will be a big trophy happening.
