Saturday, September 28, 2013

Running is a gateway to adventures...

I guess this was part of my last long run, the day before when the other girls did 8 miles, Bryant and I only did 5, we both wanted to save some energy for this race.  Actually we were both being kind of lazy and decided that between the two runs we'd be over the 8 and that seemed good!  Kanab KTX trail run is awesome!  I love it!

I love that he loves to run with me.  Well I should say I love that he has the same running addiction as me!  We start together and he waits for me at the end.  Most races he starts back through the course to find me and cheer me on.  I love that!  I am a pretty lucky gal!
It was FREEZING at the start line this year!

 Amanda ran the 10k too, but I didn't see her only at the very beginning!  

 Such a beautiful place to run!  I really like this race.  I decided that I wouldn't push myself too hard, since the marathon was next week and all.  I loved it.  I love running and just enjoying!  

 Bryant kicked butt and totally ran it in 43 minutes.  He beat the course record by 2 seconds and won it all!  Super proud of him! 

 April ran the 5k with her family.  We went back up to the park to listen to the Grand to Grand runners and met up with April.  Those Grand to Grand people are amazing!  After seeing them and listening to them I really started considering maybe wanting to do it sometime.  

Because what if I ran it and could look like this guy?  That would be awesome!

 Other then seeing Julie Jensen and getting to hug her, having this guy talk to my kids about running was probably the best part of the day.  He actually came up to Bryant and the kids and said, I want to share with you my pack and tell you what it takes to run this.  He shared what preparations he had made to make his feet strong.  He actually soaked his feet in dog pad stuff to make them tough.  He also told them that running wasn't just running it was a gateway to adventures.  He has ran the Great Wall of China, the Sahara Desert, the North Pole and many other amazing places.  My kids were enthralled!  I loved it!  He told them to keep running!  

Julie's story about having to deal with injury during her G2G experience was very motivational to me and I admire her for continuing on even when she was hurt.  She is an amazing person.  

G2G and 1week

Our friend Julie Jensen ran the Grand to Grand this past week.  it is 7 Days, 167 miles over sand and trails...  Pretty crazy stuff.  When I would say to my kids, "who just wants to do that?"  They would say "who just wants to run a marathon"..  ha ha...  But really.  It was amazing to follow her training and then to see the updates on how she was doing.  But hearing from her first hand when she was done on saturday was inspiring.  I love how she turned everything that happened to her into a faith building learning experiance.  As I was leaving the park to go home and thinking about our marathon in one week..  I was like, this is no big deal, we can totally do this. 
our shirts came today.  They turned out pretty cool.  It will be amazing to see our family in them as we cross the finish line.  Everything is always cooler when everyone matches.  Don't ya think?   

last "long" run

If You call 8 miles long.  We just stayed in town for this one and did it on a Friday  It was dark and cold and most of us couldn't get warmed up the rest of the day...  ok. I did, but It took crawling back in bed and sleeping for 3 hours.  The getting up early has been the hardest thing on me in this training. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

13 tips to run a strong first marathon

This article was in my inbox this morning and I really really needed it.  I love the first paragraph it hits it spot on. 
There's nothing in the world like running your first marathon. It's filled with the mystery of a great novel and the nerves of your first day of school. Or as my family once told me, "that's a long way to drive in your car, let alone run!"
The key to running a strong first marathon is to remember the three "P's": Preparedness, Patience and Perseverance.
 So does the rest of the article. 
Another great thing in my inbox was an e-mail from St. George marathon saying there is an app this year that people can track us...  That's going to be life saving!  Non of us have ever even been to the end of the St. George Marathon.  We don't have a clue what to tell our families to expect.  Hopefully they can see us cross...  more importantly we can see them because that is what is getting us through.  The thought of our families cheering us on and being so proud of us at the finish line.  Hey!  We've worked hard..  we deserve it! 

Monday, September 23, 2013

Chilly 13 days till marathon banana split party

Of course we had to do something for 13 days until Marathon.  Since it was on Sunday we got our families together for a little ice cream.  We didn't realize it was going to be a little chilly or maybe we would have had a hot chocolate party.  It was fun to have our kids play together and our families do a little planning for what they would do.  We really have no idea what they should do.  We are going to run and really hope they find their way to the finish line. 

Friday the "13"th Run!

These pictures aren't the greatest but at least we have some for this awesome 1.3 mile run! It was excruciating and tough but we pulled through! Lexie, Becka, Ebbi & I met up in the morning and decided to run 1.3 miles in honor of it being Friday the 13th. And yes, we are obsessed with 13... (at least I am and probably have annoyed the heck out of you all with it) We had a great run while poor Ebbi drove along side of us because of her injuries. It was kinda funny though. Cute Lexie even ran in her pj's. Best run yet! We celebrated our tough run with drinks at Stage afterwards. We took up one of the notorious benches and became the 6:30 running crew at stage. 

Friday, September 20, 2013

Twenty Shweny!

I really feel like the "downer" of the group, but once again my 20 miles STUNK! I was ok until about mile 10 and then it all went down hill from There!! I wasn't sure what was going on, other than I felt like death! I know that is an extreme feeling, but I swear I felt it hahaha! It took me an hour and ten minutes longer to run 20 than it did 18!! I knew something was wrong, so I sought advice from my Mexican man Sway! He told me to change it up for a week and work on stretching and strength training with added cardio besides running. So that's what we did! I Love working out with him! He reminds me how strong I am and he builds my confidence up! He throws little remarks once in a while and I'm not sure why he does that other than he feels like I'm his sister hahahaha... He also makes me feel like I can do anything so ya! He put me on the treadmill and I about fell over! It was like an "Oprah light bulb moment!" I expected to just run pretty fast just like I used to and I simply could not! Something was really wrong with me! Basically after three chiropractor visits we decided my hips keep coming out of place and I NEED to stretch Better after I run!! I've messed things up big time and we are working really hard to fix it before the marathon in 16 days!!!! I can't believe it is that soon! After our mental preparation crash course (I'll let the other girls give their two bits on that) I feel like I can climb any stair case that is put in front of me... It's the physical I'm worried about!!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Chest Pain

The first time I had chest pain while running was on our 15 mile run and it honestly felt like I was having a heart attach. I had this heavy feeling on the left side of my chest. It happened somewhere after the 10 mile mark. I had to walk and it was kinda hard to breath. It started to subside, but it would come back intermittently when I would try to run again. I didn't say anything to anyone, because I thought it was a fluke thing. From then on it started to happen more frequently after the 10-12 mile mark and finally before our 20 mile run I decided to tell Becka and my husband about it. I decided to go see Dr. Ott about it. Dr. Ott was out of his office the first part of the week so I ended up seeing Dr. Bowman. After examining me Dr. Bowman decided it was most likely a muscle skeletal problem and that my heart and lungs were in great shape. He decided to run some labs to check my magnesium,potassium and electrolytes. My labs came back completely normal and Dr. Bowman suggested I have 800 mg of Ibuprofen before I ran to reduce any inflammation caused by running. I tried the ibuprofen during the Cedar City Half and right after mile 12 the chest pain hit me hard. I started to walk and made Becka go on without me. I didn't want to cross the finish walking so I sucked it up and ran with my chest feeling like it would explode. That next week I made sure to go see Dr. Ott. He confirmed that my labs were great and my heart and lungs were in excellent shape. My pulse was nice and low and so was my blood pressure. He had me do a test to make sure my lungs were fine and there were great. He decided I wasn't keeping my electrolytes up during my runs. We came up with a plan to use gu every five miles and to take magnesium and potassium daily while I am training so hard. We will see how it works. I feel confident that it will work great and it will help keep my energy level up as well.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Run the canyon.. cedar half

Saturday some of us ran the Cedar City Half.  I wanted to run this race last year but Dason was returning from Afghanistan.  So I was really excited to finally get to run it.  My day started at 3:20 AM..  I seriously laughed out loud when I got up.  Darin was getting home from a football game and changing into scrubs to go deliver a baby.  I laughed because if you would have told me two years ago that I would be getting up at this crazy hour and driving for 2 hours to run for over two hours and then drive back home I would have laughed in your face.  but I was up and super excited!  I rode over with MaryAnn and Bryant.   Here we are taking the bus up the canyon.  I love this picture..  so us!  I love us.  =)

It was chilly up the canyon. There was music playing and bomb fires blazing, but we spent our time in the porta line.  We were barley able to shed our warm cloths throw them in the truck and get to the starting line and snap this pic:
And we were off.  It was so so Pretty.  I loved it.  Every minute. I kept thinking, "this feels so great". but I didn't dare say it out loud.  Ok, I did, and It didn't even curse me, I kept feeling great.  My knee's did not hurt AT ALL!!  whoot hooo!!!  So excited about that. 
 I did decide that Lexie has spoiled me and I am not going to want to run races by myself anymore.  It so great having someone to talk to, sing with, observe other people (ha ha) with.  It's great to have someone to cover you when you head off into the bushes.  "look at me, not at her.."...  ha ha ha.   We had a volunteer take this picture for us.  This was right after we finally passed the cute mom/son team dressed in orange.  Ya..  we had goals. 
 We had less than a mile left and Lexie got her chest pain.  I was ready to walk with her, after all, it was just a training run, but under the circumstances she insisted I go ahead.  So I did.  I was amazed at how great I felt I was able to just go and go hard.  Great way to finish a race.  Finished in 2:16.  time doesn't really matter to me..  slow and steady is our motto, but people seem to like that deet.  =)

I really loved this race.  I was on a high from it all day (that and the fact My Marine is home) I really feel like I am ready for the marathon...  Bring it on!!!  EXCITED!! 

My favorite 1/2 ever.  Always will be!
I think my grin shows it all.  I was so happy to share this race with some of my fellow fishies and runners.  I felt good during the whole run, didn't hate any of it and when I was done didn't feel like I was going to die.  There was a girl in front of me that I could tell didn't want me to pass her, so I didn't.  At the end she collapsed on the ground and I walked past feeling good.  Don't worry she wasn't in physical harm, just pushed herself past that comfortable point, I on the other hand was able to enjoy the last few miles and get my yummy treats, I love those granola bar things they give out at the finish.  They have them every year!  Then Bryant and I jumped in our excursion to head home to watch our boys play football in Kanab.  I was a little stiff when I got out of the vehicle, but I have been worse!  This was a great race/run to pump me up for the Marathon!  Some elite runners said I can't run the cedar half it's too close to marathon day for St George, but I say why not, it's the BOMB!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Climb The Golden Staircase and ....... Lick The Stairs :/

Disclaimer: My Fellow Fishies! This is the Lexie version of this day. If I am inaccurate in any of this story, please feel free to correct me. Thanks!

Oh what a day this was. I was having the worst week ever and this day was supposed to be a break from the crap I was dealing with. I drove down to St. George with Becka to get our shirts ordered for the marathon and to go to a seminar at the St. George Running Center. Candi, Ebbi and Lexi were supposed to drive down later and meet us there. Unfortunately, MaryAnn couldn't come and we definitely missed her. Becka still needed to work on the shirt designs so she was busy on her computer while I stopped at the Pipe Springs Gas Station to fill up. I ran my card and started the pump. Then I ran into the store to get an air freshener and a drink. I ran back out of the gas station and got into the car. I started to drive away and the stupid gas pump was still in the car. It totally broke off from the gas pump. Luckily no gas came spilling out. I was so embarrassed. I had to try so hard to not cry. Just one more thing to make my week crappy. Becka felt bad because she thought about finishing up pumping for me, but figured I would take care of it. I had to go into the store and fill out some papers and agree to pay for the repairs. It was awful. After that fiasco we continued on our way. I had to drop some stuff off at the Hildale, Utah clinic on our way so I got to show Becka where their clinic was and how I had to go through a security checkpoint to be allowed behind the huge cement wall around the clinic. After that we went straight to Xtreme Edge Graphics to order our shirts. That was not an easy task at all. Trying to order everyone shirts and keep 6 different women happy was a little hectic, but we figured it out. Then we drove to the St. George Running Center to exchange some shoes for Becka. While we were there we told the salesman that a group of us were coming to the seminar that evening. He told us it might be a little "Out There." That made us a little nervous, but we finished doing some more shopping around St. George while waiting for the other girls to get there. We finally figured out where to meet for dinner after a little bit of miscommunication and we met the other girls at Samari 21 for dinner. It was so fun and the food was delicious. When we were done we had 5 mins to get across town to the seminar. I'm pretty sure I scared the crap out of Becka on the drive there. I was hauling the mail, but we made it just in time. The sales rep was correct this seminar was "Out There." I wish we could have videoed it. So the lady that taught the class was a certified rapid eye technicians, who in the world even knows what that means. All I know is the when your in REM sleep, aka rapid eye movement sleep, that's when you are dreaming. What the heck does that have to do with running a marathon, I don't know. Anyways, she kept talking about our subconscious mind and how that controls who knows what. I had a hard time paying attention. Then she told us about using positive imaginary to subconsciously help us be mentally prepared for our marathon. She was going to lead us through one of these positive imagery things. Let me just say it was interesting. First we had to write down on a piece of paper our marathon goal, then we had to close our eyes and think about our goal. We had to scan our bodies to see how we felt with our eyes closed. Then we had to write down our feelings and use a number system to rate how we felt about everything. Next, we had to close our eyes and get as comfy as possible in the hard plastics chairs for our imagery. We had to take deep breaths while we imagined our bodies filling with light with each inhale then with each exhale we were spreading our light to fill the room, St. George, the state of Utah, United States, North America, South America, the world, the outer space and then the universe. All spreading with each breath we took. Then we had to imagine a beautiful golden staircase. We had to imagine walking to the first step and how it looked, felt, sounded when we stepped on it, and tasted (yes TASTED) WTH!!!!!!!!!! Next we had to imagine taking that first step and how the next step felt, looked, sounded when we stepped on it and once again tasted. This continued on for several steps and then she told us to imagine going up all the steps until we reached the top. We had to imagine what it was like at the top and who was there and how if felt and all that crap. All of this while we were deeply inhaling and exhaling. After all of that she told us to come back to present time and she counted backwards from 5 and then snapped, like she had a hypnotized us or something crazy. After that we were told to open our eyes. I have to admit I was really relaxed after this exercise. How could I not have been with all that deep breathing. Apparently Ebbi was really into it because when the lady asked if anyone wanted to share their experience Ebbi shot her had up and very excitedly told us all how her first step was easy but her next few steps got harder and harder to climb. Then after her 4th or 5th step she had to crawl up it and then they started to get easier again and she ran to the top and her family was there to greet her at the top. We were all dying trying not to laugh. It was hilarious. After it was over we met outside and Lexi was laughing so hard. I guess Ebbi was breathing so hard during the exercise Lexi was unable to concentrate. I guess I got breathing pretty hard in the end as well. We laughed about it for a while and before we left we bombarded the owner of the running center with our questions about the marathon. After we left we met at the Diary Queen for Fro Ho's, Frozen Hot Chocolates, and visited before heading home. It was a fun night and I am so glad we went and at least Ebbi got something out of it. LOL!!!!

Monday, September 9, 2013

The joy in the journey

Sunday, September 8, 2013

TWENTY ...20... TWO.. ZERO!!!

Twenty miles!!!  who just runs twenty miles?  People training for marathons I guess.  Never thought it would be me. 

This week I tried to do everything perfect.  I think the realization that we just have a month left, hit me hard.  I ate good.  I foam rolled everyday. I strength trained 3 days.  The day before I did an hour long stretch, foam rolled and focused on carbo loading.  (and drove everyone else crazy telling them they needed to drink Ensure).  But do ya know what?  I think it made a big difference.  I really did feel great.  Ebbi kept asking me what I was on. 

So first off, we got out there and had a pretty good first take on our pic:

Then we took the time to do some stretching.  We don't usually do this.  It's dark and kinda creepy and we just go.  Then right as we started, we saw a falling star.  You can guess what we all wished for.  Then we are running along and Ebbi goes over to the bushes and yells "hey!".   What the heck?  Freaked us out.  She said she thought she saw something.  We kinda didn't talk about it.  not gonna lie we were freaked out.  I said, "next time you go at something like that, get my mace first."  A little farther a long we came to a sign on the side of the road.  We were so excited.  Someone had put a sign up to cheer us on.  We thought it was MaryAnn.  We were praising her up and down.  This first sign even made Candi tear up because it was her little girl.  As we continued on there were signs every mile.  They were funny and cute and we were amazing and wondered how MaryAnn pulled this off.  The signs were awesome.  If you ever have to run 20 miles, you need some amazing friends to post signs for you every mile..  makes all the difference. 

I really felt great on this run.  At 10 miles, half way, we stopped and danced and took a picture. 

This time at Moqui cave we brought a pencil and signed the Geo cach.  If you ever run or I guess even drive by there, stop  and sign it yourself. 

I had Sway tape my knee the day before.  Usually even though it's taped, it still started to hurt about now..  but today NO PAIN.  I was scared to even think about how great it felt.  When..  here's the amazing thing to me.  My other knee started hurting.  Now my other knee has hurt before, but the one hurt so bad that I don't really notice it.  I am a believer in KT Tape or strength tape or whatever you want to call it.  I am having Sway tape my other knee ASAP.  I am pumped about it.  I am going to keep rolling it every single day until the Marathon.  but really happy about no pain the the one knee! 

With about 6 miles left I went ahead on my own.  I just left like if I kept stopping I wouldn't be able to finish.  I just wanted to bust it out ya know...  so that's what I did.  I felt good.  My favorite was when Jennifer Stewart stopped and talked to me when I had one mile left.  She ran the marathon last year.  She knew what I had just done and that is kinda rare ya know.  People are driving by ya and ya just want to yell...  I  just ran 20 miles!!!  I am not just out on a little run..  20 miles!!!!!  Twenty!  So here's a picture of all the signs that I got pictures of.  I didn't go the parade route as planned so I missed some.  I'm just not a fan of running where people can see me. Oh and about the signs..  when MaryAnn denied doing the signs, we learned it was Ebbi and Lexi..  Who knew Ebbi could keep that kind of secret?!!  I mean really.  And the reason she had yelled "HEY" into the bushes is that she thought the first sign was  there.   So funny!  Her parents had put the signs up..  but I'll let her tell more about that.  But seriously.  If you ever run a marathon, you should do it with an amazing group of girls like I am, but that's not possible, they are just too awesome.  so...  Too bad. 

  Anyway! Great run. No it wasn't all easy.. Like the last 5 were really hard actually, but I felt good and if Hal Higdon is right... If we can run 20, we can run 26.. so BAM.... Marathon, Here we come!!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Epic fail!

Usually the day before our long duns I get all nervous and need to use the bathroom like ten times, but the Friday before our 19 I was Fine! I was Excited! I didn't really eat the day before (which never happens). I was holding off to eat some good carbs and so before I realized I hadn't ate it was almost past the point of eating... Lax went and grabbed Houston's for us while Becka took all of our kids and then some to the Smurfs. I was really excited to dig in with out interruption, but nothing tasted that good so I had a baked potato and called it good. I stayed up until the kids got home from the movie and then I hit the sheets..Tyler and Drew were driving home from the football game in Beaver so I was restless until they got here, well that and the fact that a mouse ran over my feet while I was going potty so I was a nervous wreck it would end up in my bed! Oh I HATE Mice!!!... Ok I'm getting off track here... To make a long story short, I ended up being miserable on our 19! I could tell when I woke up something wasn't right with me, I just didn't know what... We got to our Long awaited destination stretched, went potty and started on our way. Lax was nervous about it being so dark and scary animals getting her so she looped us a few times before it got light... At two miles I already had to pee, that should of been my clue right there that I was done for! I didn't have any energy and I felt miserable the more miles we put in... By mile 13 I sent Candi on her way! 
(If you look hard you can see her, she is the bright yellow dot on the right side if the road... My friend "The Cow" is on the left)
I hated holding her back and I knew Lax would be coming with the car eventually so I thought I would just hop in with her... I was getting worse so I text Tyler to come get me... He was like "are you serious?" "Why?" And i was thinking in my head "how rude! just get your A out here and get me! Have i ever asked you to come get me before? obviously something is wrong with me!" Well with crappy service I couldn't get my messages to go through and I was just crying and texting and trying to run and then it started raining and I just wanted to end all misery right then and there. All I had was some stupid cow staring at me! I am a cow whisperer so I should have bent his ear about my horrible day, but I didn't! I continued on until my man came to my rescue! I only got 15 miles in, not the 19 that I set out to run. I hope and pray that tomorrow's 20 has a much better ending!!! 

"The Cow"

Monday, September 2, 2013

Labor Day Run!

I wasn't able to run the 19 miles with the rest of the girls.  Jake had an archery deer tag and we were trying to catch a deer for him.  

Bryant and I did our 19 mile run that Monday, since it was Labor Day and we both had the day off.  We were going to get up really early, but of course sleep sounded so much better then beating the heat.  We didn't start our run until 6 AM, it was so DARK.  There were also a lot of people camping/hunting out at the Sands area, so I made Bryant run with me until it got light.  I was afraid one of them would get me I guess.  The coyotes were yapping too, I hate those things!  

 There is the little crescent moon... I really needed Becka's head lamp for this run, luckily Bryant stayed back with me until it got light.  Bryant was so nice to stay back with me.  At one point I turned to him and said, "man I wish this pace felt as comfortable to me as it does to you!"  One day maybe it will, ok so probably not, but I can always hope!
 I LOVE seeing the sun rise!  So beautiful!

 After we were done running the Sands road I let Bryant take off.  It was 8 miles down and I knew that I was holding him back so I said go for it.  We decided to run the Best Friends loop with this run.  

Best Friends loop seemed like it was at least 20 miles long!  It's like 5... It lasted FOREVER!  Then I still had to run into town after that.  So I started entertaining myself, I think I even sent a few selfies to my fellow runners. 

I ran it a little slower then I wanted to, but I did it!  It was done!  Wahoo!!!

Darker than dark

I don't even know what happened.  This run was suppose to be awesome.  We were doing our favorite course.  We were ending before the scary highway part.  We went early so we could go to breakfast after.  At one point or another, it just fell apart for most of us.  Except April....  she loved it!  Go April!!

First off we get out and it is sooo dark and scary.  It's pretty dark at 5am with a sliverish moon.  I am the nerdy one that wears a head lamp.  I don't know how the other girls don't.  I want to see what's coming up.  We thought turning the other way at the end of the sands would be a great idea...  not so much.  Gradual uphill for 5 miles.  hmmm.  Ashly came with us and she got out and took off and ended up doing over a marathon because she took a wrong road.  (she still beat me back- #noshame).  I ended up doing about the last 13 by myself, which was ok as far as thinking and pondering the universe, but I missed the girls, the conversation and the party at each aide station.  =).  The last 10 my knee was killing and I'm not gonna lie, I did a lot of fast walking to let the knee rest.  But it could fast walk at about 13-14mm...  so if all else fails on the big day....  at least I have that.  (under 16mm is all that has to happen)

I drew a pic for my fellow fishies...  did y'all even notice this?  I had time to ponder my trophy too and it's going to be Awesome..  if I ever make it.  Lexie I planned ours for next week too..  be excited. 

Last mile!!

I decided I wanted to run the whole last mile .  Show myself I could do it.  Show myself  I could endure to the end...  It was the hardest mile of my life!!  Not even kidding.

PS...  It was a nineteen miler....  yes...  NINETEEN!!!  BAM.. Done.  check.  One more long one to go!  (for some it was more)
PPS...  some wise words from this run:
This run was a nightmare! I don't even know why. It just didn't work out as great as we all had planned. It was soooo dark and scary that morning. Darker than usual. I think the moon must have been a sliver or something. Haha. Also, we chose a route where we had a steady incline! Incline! We don't do that to ourselves very much. There were a million campers around and I was just plain scared that morning. Becka gave me her handy dandy flashlight and I used that to navigate for a second until I got scared. I would think some random person was hiding in the bushes or some sort of wildlife creature was going to eat me alive. So when I would think those thoughts I would turn around and run back to the girls! It just was not a successful start for me. I finally made it up the huge sand dunes hill to find April waiting. She was supposed to wait for the other girls but decided she would run with me for awhile. It was so nice to have some company and we ran at a great pace! I actually made April walk a few times because I had a side ache! (I never get side aches! What the heck was up with this day!) I also felt so empty that day. Like hunger! April and I chatted and chatted and after five miles she told me to go ahead. I thought she would hang and wait for the other girls but I found out later as I was waiting by the car that she was finished with her run! I went and picked her up but was a little concerned that Ashley's car was still parked behind ours! I found out later she did an entire marathon because she took the wrong road. Wowsers! Amazing! APril and I drove back to get the cars and on the way we saw Becka. She looked a little in pain so we stopped to check on her. Nevermind that I pretty much put us in danger stopping on the highway! I was just so worried about all the girls. Then we get a text that Tyler was on his way to pick up Ebbi because she was sick. I just couldn't believe it and felt so bad for everyone. We stopped to check on Candi too and she said she was okay. Just made me feel bad for everyone and a little helpless. A few funny things about this run to brighten this post up a little... I got back to Becka's car and remembered where she told me she would put the keys (I have a hard time remembering this normally) only to find that the keys were hidden but her windows were down. Haha It cracked me up. Sad that we all had crappy runs but hey I guess sometimes that  happens right!