Saturday, August 24, 2013

Sands Half Marathon!

What can I say!?!!  We LOVE the sands!  At least I do!  This run was awesome!  I really love 13 miles!  I am pretty sure that mileage is my number! Except the Bryce Half Marathon this year, was not so much my favorite number.  I ran with Lexi on this run and we just took it easy and ran all but the last 2 miles together then she took off ahead of me.  The end of the race even had post race food, chocolate milk, bananas, and grapes!  

Tons of fun girls, as always!

There is Lexi picking up the pace for the last 2!

We are kinda running out of pictures that can be taken in the almost dark.  So here's our attempt at Charlies Angels.  Ha ha.  We get up early so we can get done and spend about 5 minutes on our start picture..  love it! 

The highlight of this weeks  "only 13 miles"..  was when we found a geo-cach.  Ya...  pretty cool right.  We were just hanging out at our aide station by moqui cave and saw this little tube.  It took us awhile to get it out, but sure enough.  It was a geo-cach. 

We ended at MaryAnn's and she and Lexi had time to put out this great post run spread AND go back and pick up the car..  #noshame

We spend about an hour after discussing our Marathon lodging plans and toenails and stuff.  This stuff needs to get decided.  =)

How do people even run marathons with out a whole crew of fishies?....  I have no idea. 

Thanks for capturing the last picture with my toenails. They are pretty much now gone. I will forever treasure this picture! I loved this run too! MaryAnn and I ran together again and kept a great pace! I'm addicted to the Sand Dunes. Becoming our second home I tell ya what!

Friday, August 16, 2013

More than epic eighteen

Last night when I went to the store, I was  just starting my pre-long run freak-out, which is good to not freak all day.  but check out what I came out of there with:

I came home and just went ahead and got rid of my toenail.   TMI...  ya I know, but I'll tell ya, It made me feel like a real runner.  I tried to get the doc to do it, but I'm glad I did it myself. 
Our Friday run ended up being me, Lexie and Candi.  We met at 5 in the A.M. and headed out East.  Two miles before we hit our 18 mile mark we hit dirt road.  I think the unevenness of dirt road bugs the knee, so we drove back two miles, ran to the dirt road and turned about and went back past the car.   Oh but before that, We get out to run and it is pitch black...  I'm talking super dark.  The moon is no where to be seen to give us any sort of light.  There were even some slightly eery clouds overhead and....  the wind was howling.  Lexie and Candi both voted we get back in the car until it got a little lighter, I being the older, more grouchy member of the crew said that if we wanted to wait until it got lighter we should have done it in our beds. or i said I didn't get up this early to wait in the car...  ha ha..  Ya..  that's embarrassing but it happened.  so we ran along in the dark with the wind in our faces.  We actually were glad later, but it was a pretty scary first couple miles, not gonna lie.  So maybe unless we have headlamps and mace in hand, we should not go that early.  This is probably an hour after we started:

This run was good for while, but not as good as last week. Our Cardio was good the whole time, but the aches and pains were just kicking our butt. We have decided we need to stretch better... yes, this was necessary in the middle of our run:

And do more strength training!  We are going to get all the kinks worked out and have an amazing marathon!  I decided I needed to run the whole last (18th) mile, so I got me this flower for a trophy, tucked it in my belt and I did it.

I was so happy happy Happy to see this sign though, because if you notice, our cars are just past it.  Stop ahead.  Ok, thanks, I will!  18 down...  BaBAM!! 
The rest of us did our 18 down that same lonely road in Johnson Canyon, but ours was the next day.  We had 12 people with us.  Some were doing 12 others 10, some did 20 (Lexi) and then some of us did the required 18 and STOPPED!   Getting 12 people organized and making sure that the cars were dropped at the right spot and the aid stations were at the right spots was pretty hard!  I did mess up on a couple aid stations, had too many at the beginning of our run and didn't have enough for the end of the run!  Plus I had one of the cars dropped at the wrong mileage place for one of the groups of runners.  It can get complicated! I enjoyed it though.  It was a great run and I actually felt great after I had to take 3, yes 3 potty breaks during the first 12 miles of the run! 
 The start line, where we tried to get a picture, but the light just wasn't working for us!
 The flowers were beautiful and the cloud cover was perfect!

I must say I was pretty nervous for 18 miles!! Probably because I could not believe I ran 17 the week before!! The morning started off crazy because it was rather difficult trying to figure out where everyone needed to be dropped off... We had a huge group of runners... Some nice, some not so nice hahaha.. (That's another blog post of its own).... Once we got started it was great! I had Great company and she kept me pre occupied, we talked the entire time! In fact I didn't even have my music on for the first 8 miles...! April wanted to run 10 miles because she is doing the Cedar Half with the rest of this crew and she has never ran that before (i was a little worried because earlier in the year i ran 8 miles with her which should of inly been 6 and she was not happy to say the least) Well we were having such a great time she actually did 15! 
Awesome picture to document the occasion! I'm so happy I was able to do this with her!!' She had big plans of doing the entire 18 with me, but come 15 she decided to call it! So the steak dinner Lax promised her turned into a veggie omlet and pancakes! It was probably a good idea she stopped at 15 because the poor girl couldn't get off the pot the entire day hahaha... Oh the Joys of running! 
April spotted this Not so lucky coyote...poor guy! I think he underestimated the fence! 

It was such a beautiful day! We had cloud cover all the way up to 17 miles! Couldn't ask for better running weather! 

At one if our aid stations I decided to stretch a little and I let out a big groan... Well this lovely cow thought I was "Mooing" and started "mooing" back at me hahaha and I was like "oh ya! What's it to ya you Big beef!"..... Anyway loved 18 and at the time I was excited for 19..... 

MaryAnn! This run was a deal for you and I feel bad but you navigated us all so well! It's a lot of work always trying to figure out when people need to be dropped off and where aid stations need to go etc.
I don't envy you! This run was great! Amanda came and ran this run and it was so nice to have a buddy. We kept a great pace and even plugged in to go faster.  There were so many different people on this run! It's cool that so many of us enjoy this! 
After Amanda was finished I just kept plugging along. I felt really good on this run and the time flew by! I wish that all my runs felt like this one. It was the first 20 miler I had ever done and I have to say at the end I was very emotional! I wanted to just stop by the car and cry but Bryant came up right when I was almost done and I felt stupid. I sucked up my tears and acted cool. :) I just can't believe the mileage that we are up to. Something I never thought possible for myself and it's pretty cool and rewarding to accomplish things that I never thought I could do!
I also got emotional on my way back when I came upon Ebbi & April! They were doing so great! April ran 15 miles! Just like that! She is amazing. I bet her a steak dinner if she could run the entire 18 with Ebbi. Well...she ran 15 but wow!!!!  I ran my first 15 just a few weeks before and she just came and ran 15 like it was nothing. I was pretty proud of those girls.  I ended up buying April breakfast because of how awesome that was. It was a good day! Goes down as one of my favorites for sure!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Falling stars five

As you might have noticed we like to celebrate any occasion we can and we are a little obsessed with the number 13.  The 13 is because it's 2013...  the year we run a marathon.  nuff said!  So the 13th of August was coming up.  We were having a hard time coming up with something big to do to celebrate.  I was even going as far as driving around town, looking for a mile marker 13 or someones house with 13.  (ya, too much time on my hands).  I came home the night of the 12th and googled the date August 13, 2013.  to see if there was something that other people were already celebrating.  This is what I got:

This brought some memories flooding back to me.  My dad passed away when I was 7.  His birthday is August 11.  I remember a few different years laying out on my trampoline with my cousins and counting the falling stars that always fell on my Dad's Birthday.   We were sure he was sending them down.  I really didn't know it was a "thing" until I read this.  It was an aw-ha moment. I was pumped.  it was about 9 or 10 at night and I was ready to go run that night.  I thought if we started at 11:30, we could finish on the 13th and that could be our "thing".  We could see if we could see any falling stars.   Well, I couldn't get anyone else to get on board (oh except Lexi..  Thanks Lax).  but we decided we would do it the next night around 9....  still dark, still falling stars, still on the 13th.  yay. 
And so the Falling Stars 5 was born.  Yes, we had bibs and Ebbi wore a head light and I wore a vest for safety.  I didn't know we were running down town and that was a little embarrassing.  but we did it and I enjoyed the run.  Don't think my fellow fishies really did.  But Hey, that's how it goes.  Some are great and some not so much.  I think I would like to run more at night if I wasn't terrified of being alone in the dark by myself.  ha ha.  Oh and I saw a falling star!!!  yay!! 

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Changing Priorities

I've been thinking a lot about how much has changed and how my priorities are different since I've started running.

Before running I spent my extra money on clothes, jewelry, pedis and other materialistic crap. I didn't monitor my water intake, I tried to stay away from carbs and I wasn't as nearly obsessed with peanut butter. Before running I thoroughly enjoyed sleeping in on Saturday mornings.  

Since I started running all my extra money goes to races, running clothes, running electronics, etc. Now I obsess about my water consumption, I carbo load and I could care less about how cute my toes look, just as long as they are kept short. I visit the chiropractor now instead of the day spa next door and I am constantly researching running clothes online. Since I started running I am excited to wake up on Saturday mornings at the butt crack of dawn to run for several hours straight. 

It's crazy how our priorities change, but I love running and I'm pleased with the changes I have made because of it. 

Monday, August 12, 2013

You'll regret that

After my long run on friday as I was getting ready for my cold bath, (I had decided just to take a very cold bath, no ice because I had already taken off my shoes and didn't want to put them back on to go to the store..   lazy?  Yes) I get in the tub first and then turn the water on.  I haven't bathed in my tub much because the water doesn't get hot enough for me.  Well, I acidentally put hot water and it was really hot.  I wondered if it would stay that hot...  it did.  I let it keep filling up with hot water.  I knew I shouldn't, but I still did because I didn't know why I shouldn't. and it felt really-really good.  Then the doc came in and told me I would regret it.  hmmm...  dang...  why?

So right now it's almost 4 am (which has nothing to do with this story, well, except I had a huge blister on my toe, which i popped, which is now throbbing so I can't sleep, well, that and the long ol nap I had today) so I looked up why an ice bath and not a hot bath.  This is what had to say:

Question: Should I soak in hot or cold water for the best post-run recovery?
Answer: I'll admit it -- I've dreamed about soaking in a hot tub during some of my long runs. Although it seems relaxing and therapeutic, a post-run hot tub or heating pad is definitely NOT recommended. The reason? After a long run or any tough workout, your joints and muscles are inflamed. If you put heat on them, the blood flow to those areas will increase, which can make them even more inflamed. In addition, you may already be slightly dehydrated post-run, and the heat from the hot tub may dehydrate you even more.
That's just great.  Well, it felt amazing, but I guess I won't do it again.  I was fine that day, but the next day I wasn't sore anywhere but my knee still hurt, well and my blistered toes.  =)
 I have to admit that I also took a hot, hot, hot, hotter than hot, bath this run. It was amazing. I honestly felt great after and I can't complain! Maybe if I was injured I would not be saying the same thing!
But for now... oh it was soo sooo sooo nice!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Weeeeee did it!!

I must say I am beyond proud of ALL of us!! I was really worried all day Friday after most of you ran and loved it that I wouldn't feel the same way. Every time I talked about it I would get cramps in my stomach... And my bum hahahaha! When my alarm went off I was like "ok! Here you go Ebbi!" (I'm all about self motivating lol) I don't know what was making me more nervous, the run or the fact it was going to be very very dark for about 30 min. And Candi or myself are fans of the dark on lonely long back woods roads. Lexi was nice enough to wake up and drive us out there so we didn't have to turn around when we were finished and go grab the car (I wish we could find someone to do that every time. It was key!). Once she dropped us off the lightening show really got started! I didn't want to think about it too much because there was really nothing we could do! I figured if it got bad enough in town that Lax would come back for us. Thank goodness it didn't. Before we knew it we were five miles in and we both felt GrEAt!! We didn't want to speed up or talk about how great we felt for fear we would jinx ourselves so we just kept onward! I was wearing my Frees instead of my Brooks and they felt good! Not sure which shoe I like better? We decided to walk for a little bit after mile 13 which really helped break up the last few miles. I felt like I could go more, but glad that I didn't have to haha.. I'll leave that for this sat when we are doing 18! I am so proud of us all I just can't stand it!
Since we didn't have to return and grab a car we decided to carry out first bag for about five miles... We felt like we were on the Biggest looser hahaha

I just have to add how stressed I was for these girls and Chad when I dropped them off! The lightning was unreal! As I was driving back it seemed even worse! I laid down by Carsyn and kept dozing in and out worrying that they needed me to come pick them up! In fact, I had dreams that they were calling me and I didn't answer! Haha. But they were champs and plugged through the scariness!

Slower Than A Turtle Running Through Peanut Butter

I am completely blown away by the fact that we, mostly I, ran 17 miles yesterday. 5 months ago I would have NEVER believed that I could have ever ran that far. I still don't believe it, but yes it did happen. It was my favorite run so far, mostly because Becka ran my turtle pace with me. I always do better when I run with someone. It takes my mind off of the fact that everything hurts. I can't figure out why I'm so slow, but I honestly have one pace. I can't run faster or slower. It's just slow and steady. Thanks Becka for slowing down to run with me. I honestly appreciate it. Running on the sand dunes really scared me before we started. I kept thinking about the hills and all the little critters that might want to have me for their breakfast. However, I loved it. It was dark enough that we couldn't really see the hills and the weather was perfect. For me I really liked having the 10k route as part of the run. Once we reached Moquie Cave I felt like it would be a piece of cake to finish since we only had a 10k left. It was very motivating. Even though we ran slower than everyone else, we finished and we got done a half hour before I thought we would. To me it was a successful run. 

It cracks me up that you say I slowed down to run with you!  This is my pace.  This is the pace I plan to run the marathon.  I am your fellow turtle I tell ya. 

Friday, August 9, 2013

It's possible

Today's 17 miler made me think this whole marathon.. me running a marathon might actually be possible!  Yay! Its a great feeling. I have blisters on all my toes. But feeling really great!!  We ran from the sands into town. It was dark the first few miles which was freaky at first but once we got going it was nice.  Today was just another run that makes me wonder how people train for. Marathon alone. My fellow fishes keep me swimming!
Oh and P.S..  MaryAnn put some Peanut M&M's in our aide stations and can I just say...  best. running. snack. EVER!  Loved it!!
   It's probably why the run was so great!   

I always LOVE running down the sands.  This day was no different!  Ran with Bryant and Lexi til mile 13 and then they left me and ended up doing 19, I was happy finishing the 17.  
 I made Bryant go back to an aid station to get some Peanut Butter M&Ms for me, I couldn't go back my watch was on and I didn't want to mess up my mileage... 

I ain't gonna lie, I always LOVE seeing the final stretch to home on these long runs!

I loved this run! It was so nice to have MaryAnn to run and chat with for the first 13. The time went by so fast and we kept a good pace while talking! Props to us! I even stopped to pee on this run! haha. I don't do that much. MaryAnn told me to go ahead at 13 or I would have ran the whole thing with her. I think she wanted some "alone" time. Just kidding. She keeps me safe on those highways. I know I stress her out. Bryant went ahead of us a little before and I tried to catch him. He took a different route in town and ended up heading towards the park. Wow... sure fun to end your 19 miles on the park road! Not. haha. I followed him anyway and we both ended up doing 19 miles. I have to say by mile 19 I was completely spent. 

Thursday, August 8, 2013

two-thirds distance... starts now

Tomorrow some of us are doing our 17 miler...  This is huge!  Huge I tell ya.  Here is what Hal has to say about it:

Run Long:  Seventeen miles! That's two-thirds of the distance you'll run in the marathon, and most coaches agree that this is where the true training benefits start to kick in.  Now you are teaching your body to burn fat and conserve glycogen.  Now you are learning the discipline you need for running 26 miles.  During this training program, I'll ask you to run four long runs at this two-thirds distance and beyond.  (These longest long runs come in weeks 10, 11, 13, and 15)  They are very very important.  By now, you should have begun to adapt to the rhythm of these long runs.  don't do them too fast.  Take walking breaks if necessary.  Drink plenty of water.  Yes, you have the right to finish a 17-miler feeling tired, but you should not finish exhausted.  Running steady pace will get you to the finish line on time. 

This is from my my Hal Higdon's Marathon Novice 2 app
 I'm trying to focus on eating good for energy tomorrow.  So mostly trying to not eat crap.  I feel pretty good about my energy level it's just my stupid knee..  so I'm randomly rolling it today and doing strength exercises and hopefully D.O. will work on it tonight!  Let's go Fishes...  17 miles has nothing on us!!!

And because it's Thursday, I'll throw it back to last year when we did a Chirstmas eve run...  in the snow.  We wore santa hats.. It was awesome.  We ran this same  8 mile course yesterday.  When we ran it on Christmas eve it seemed sooooo long, now, not so much.  hmmm..... 

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

mental training

Well, we have hit it...  a mental wall.  I suspect this happens a lot as I was looking around trying to find some motivation or a cure for our lose of MOJO.  Here is an article I found from 

Marathon Motivation

Got enough marathon motivation to push you across the finish line? It’s one thing to be motivated to start training, it’s another to stay motivated every day.
Training the mind should be considered equally important to physical marathon training. Following are a few simple techniques to help build mental toughness and create the proper mindset.

Set aside a few minutes each day, or at least a few times each week, to relax and picture in your mind the runner you want to be. Picture yourself making a great training run or running the actual race. As you are creating that image, try to get other senses involved by trying to feel what it will feel like to achieve your goal or push through any obstacles you envision.

Flood your mind with positive thoughts by talking to yourself every day. Tell yourself that you are a marathon runner, a sub-four hour marathoner, or whatever it is your goal might be. Our minds operate in the present so the more we tell ourselves something, even if it is not yet true, the faster our mind believes it and begins working now to make that affirmation a reality. Also, put an affirmation, race brochure, or inspiring quote somewhere you will see it every day like on your desk or bathroom mirror
Block the Negative

Be aware of negative thoughts creeping into your mind. When you catch them, stop them cold in their tracks by telling yourself the opposite. For instance, if you catch yourself thinking you are tired during a run, tell yourself several times, with emphasis, that you feel great or feel strong. Do the same for any pain during a run. By telling yourself the opposite, you are diverting your focus from the negative to the positive.

Over the course of training, you may find yourself lacking motivation at some point. This is very common. Maybe you get discouraged because unexpected events have caused you to miss a run, a few runs, or even a week or more of runs. Maybe something in your life diverts your focus from training and your goal. Whatever the case, do not let it stop you from achieving your goal!

Think of supporters cheering you on as you run with ease through the marathon or half marathon. Think about how rewarding it will be when you cross the finish line and reflect on what you have just accomplished.
Surround yourself with positive, motivating things. Watching running movies is great for marathon motivation. Find something that connects with you emotionally and you will find that your intensity and desire will grow to where you don’t just want to achieve your goal, you have to achieve your goal.
Take a step back and think about why you have set this monster goal for yourself and see yourself enjoying all the benefits you expect to have once you accomplish your goal.

Hope we can all find something in here to help us.  We need to start training our minds as well as our bodies..  Love you all my fellow fishies!!


PS.  link for article HERE

Monday, August 5, 2013

2 months

We have two months...  Two months from today we will be running a marathon!!!  TWO MONTHS!!!  Are two months short or fast in your mind?  I've been thinking about this all day. 

Two months left of any of my 6 pregnancy's.....  FOREVER
Two months left till my son come home from serving in Afghanistan.....  FOREVER PLUS
Two months left until our new house was done.....  long time
Two months left until anniversary get away....  long time
Two months until I run 26.2 miles all at one time....  so so soon


It's killing me.  I don't feel like I'll be ready in 2 months.  But we will.  We have been hearing a lot lately that the training is harder than the actual event.  so I guess it's that 20 miler that should be freaking us out..  oh ya,  it is!! 

Here is what I've decided.  We took the first step, which is that hardest.  We signed up.  We are now on this adventure and the best best best part is that we have fellow fishies to be on it with us.  I  mean really..  how many people do a Marathon with such a great support group.  It's a great thing.  So we are going to do this and when we do.  We will be marathoners  FOREVER!!!  BAM!


Saturday, August 3, 2013

These Hills Were So Hard!

I was at a family reunion and since I had done my long run on the beach a few days earlier I didn't have to do a long run on Saturday.  This 5 miler about killed me though.  We were staying in a community that was on the hill side of the mountain by Pine View Reservoir.  Needless to say I walked A LOT!  Great place to train for hills, one day I hope to be better at hill running!

 View of the lake
Bryant went on this run with me.  He can run hills a lot better then me!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Only 13 miles

For our long run tomorrow we go back down to 13... it is crazy because we are seriously saying ONLY 13 miles.  How crazy is that. It's funny how the mind works.  So bring on the little Hollywood half. Oh ya. We named it!


I loved the Little Hollywood Half.  I've gotta say it was an amazing break from the usual insane numbers. Even though 13 is insane! But way better than what we have been doing. Or at least it seems to me! I had to drive my own car this time which takes the fun out of everything. I mean half the reason we run is to be together! :) And I had to take off before everyone even started too because I had to get home early so that meant I ran the 13.1 by myself.  I was left with the funniest picture in my mind though as I was running.   Ebbi just popped a squat and was pooping with Chad 15 feet away from her.  Just makes me laugh every time I think about it. I could just see her squatting and Chad trying to act like he was cool with it all.  I still chuckle.  The run went well for me. I beat my Bryce Half time from 2011 so I was happy about that. But it was kind of a lonely run.  I miss the chats. I'm really nervous about this week's long run! 